DAN | Blog | Introducing DAN to your patients

Patients | introducing DAN

Adam Marsh | May 2022

Having a script can be really helpful to make it easy to introduce DAN to patients.

Here are some examples to get you started:

“We are going to have a really in-depth conversation about your oral health. Do you mind if we record it so we capture it all in a record that we can share with you? It will form part of your clinical dental record.”

“We are really interested in making each aspect of our practice as good as we can, so for our record keeping, we use technology to help us make a complete, accurate and contemporaneous record. Are you happy for us to make a secure audio recording of your appointment? It will form part of your clinical dental record.”

“We are going to have a conversation about this tooth because you have lots of options available to you. Our nurse [Becky] is really fast at typing, but it's hard for her to write absolutely everything, so would you mind if we made an audio recording of our conversation as part of your records?”

“We have a great new tool to help us really support you. It's called DAN and it makes a secure audio-recording so we have an excellent patient record that we can share with you. It will form part of your clinical dental record. Are you happy with us using DAN?”

A script must include:

  1. Why we should make a recording
  2. That it will form part of the patient’s clinical record
  3. Asking the patient if this is OK
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Master record keeping
by secure audio recording