DAN | Blog | striving-for-excellence

Striving for Excellence

Ala Rozwadowska | June 2021

Dentistry is essentially the same thing over and over again. The joy of it comes in getting it better and better each time - the constant cycle of improvement is what makes our hearts sing.

Sometimes it’s when we fly with speed, sometimes it’s when a case comes back 10 years later and still looks great, sometimes it’s when we know we’ve handled a challenging person well, delighted a patient, or when we can tell that our team is in the zone.

Clinical record keeping hasn’t always been in this league of fun - yes we constantly tweak our notes and systematise record keeping to keep quality high, but for many of us there is that niggling feeling that we can always write more. More detail, more depth, put in more of the patient’s sentences as they were said, and more of our responses in the careful way in which we approached them.

That’s where Dental Audio Notes can give us the joy of excellence in our record keeping. Because DAN makes a secure audio recording of the whole session, we know that when we use DAN we have it all to listen back to, whenever we need it. So we can strive towards making our written records as clinically useful to us as possible, knowing that we have ALL of the detail, ALL of the depth, ALL of our carefully discussed options and the patient’s responses exactly as they were said.

And that is excellent.

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Master record keeping
by secure audio recording