DAN was built to help dental nursing staff in record keeping, and the feedback that we have from nursing staff that have used DAN have felt supported and protected by having the software securely recording the dentist-patient consultation in the background.
It feels good for both team members to know that we have always captured that important sentence which shows the energy that went into giving the patient the information they needed to aid that informed consent.
For practices who enable their nursing staff to be a part of the patient journey, who is writing the notes for them?
For practitioners who work with trainee staff - are your notes as good on their first day as when you’re with your regular nurse?
For nurses who are excellent clinically but struggle with computer skills or maybe can’t type quickly enough - is it fair to them to expect the records to be as full as with someone who can type at 60 words/minute?
For any of us - even when we stay until the early hours ensuring our written records are a fair representation of what happened in surgery on that day - are our written records ever going to be good enough?