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“Genuinely complete, accurate and contemporaneous records in a way that is easy, robust, featherlight and fully compliant with all the relevant regulations.”

Your consultations are human conversations, rich in context, covering many personal and clinical factors. All of these influence your decisions and those of your patients. DAN provides the most effective way to ensure that record-keeping includes all the information you and your patients share in these conversations - completely, accurately and contemporaneuously.

Dan gives you the highest quality of dental records for yourself, your team and your patients, without having to change anything that you are currently doing. Your practice and your team have existing systems and processes in place and there is no need to change these. DAN is operating at a single click of a button when you want it and works quietly in the background, until you want it to stop. DAN sits alongside your existing systems, does not require any IT infrastructure beyond your existing PC, a microphone and an internet connection.