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DAN | Guide | Chrome Extension

DAN Chrome extension

The DAN Chrome Extension provides seamless access to recording and playback in DAN right from your patient notes. You can:

  • Automatically populate the patient ID on the record page exactly as provided by your PMS
  • List all the audio records associated with the patient in one click



Install the DAN Chrome Extension

To install the DAN Chrome Extension, follow these steps:

  • Install from the Chrome Web Store here: DAN | Dental Audio Notes.
  • Click the "Add to Chrome" button.
  • If you are prompted with an "Enhanced Safe Browsing" message, click "Continue to install". This is a new extension and Google takes a few months to process new developers.
  • Confirm by clicking "Add extension" in the message box.
  • And the DAN Chrome Extension is ready to use.
  • Open or refresh your practice management system and the DAN widget will appear on the right hand side of the screen.

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Press the Microphone button to open DAN and automatically populate the patient ID.

To start recording, simply press the big mic icon in the centre of the screen.

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Press the Playback button to open DAN and automatically retrieve all the audio records for the current patient.

Within DAN, select a record to playback and view.

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