The DAN Chrome Extension provides seamless access to recording and playback in DAN right from your patient notes. You can:
- Automatically populate the patient ID on the record page exactly as provided by your PMS
- List all the audio records associated with the patient in one click
Install the DAN Chrome Extension
To install the DAN Chrome Extension, follow these steps:
Install from the Chrome Web Store here: DAN | Dental Audio Notes.
Click the "Add to Chrome" button.
If you are prompted with an "Enhanced Safe Browsing" message, click "Continue to install". This is a new extension and Google takes a few months to process new developers.
Confirm by clicking "Add extension" in the message box.
And the DAN Chrome Extension is ready to use.
Open or refresh your practice management system and the DAN widget will appear on the right hand side of the screen.
^ Contents
Press the Microphone button to open DAN and automatically populate the patient ID.
To start recording, simply press the big mic icon in the centre of the screen.
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Press the Playback button to open DAN and automatically retrieve all the audio records for the current patient.
Within DAN, select a record to playback and view.
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